woensdag 9 september 2009

Will december 2012 be the end of the world?

This is not another “sky is falling” warning like y2k...
It's not some rallying cry for the lunatic fringe 2012-predictions. And it's certainly not
something dreamed up for a Hollywood movie...

2012 is real and everyone is lying you about it!

Dear Friend,

Are you tired?

Tired of all the misinformation out there about 2012?

If you've done even one Google search on the topic you know what I'm talking about...

The Mysterious Planet X will shift into earth's rotational path and collide with our planet! All life that isn't immediately destroyed will be flung from the surface and into space 2012-predictions!

An explosion of gravity will drag the planet earth to the center of the galaxy where it will be swallowed up by all the other planets and possibly even a massive black hole!

A meteor will hit the earth, causing concurrent massive tsunamis . The impact will make the bombing of Hiroshima look like a ripple from a pebble tossed into a lake.

Bold claims... absolutely.
Anyone claims to know what's going to happen in the future... that's pretty bold on its own. But to predict something this huge... this life-changing...

That's super bold.

And that's not even the worst of it.

Because the boldest claims of all are the ones put out by the skeptics and cynics. The boldest claims are the ones that deny anything at all will occur 2012-predictions.

Because... to say nothing is going to happen, means you're just not paying attention.

Let me be clear about this... You can get this information here

I've recently gotten this info and you can see all the theory's about planet X, Nibiru, Predictions of Nostradamus, predictions of the Bible. This information gives you a head start for when something will happen. Be prepared for yourself and click here

Maybe you've read about it, maybe you've seen it on TV.

The 2012 official countdown is on 2012-predictions.

Since ancient times people have known about an event that is going to occur on December 21, 2012. 12-21-12.

Here is some little information about 2012:

2012... shall be the year of reckoning. 2012 shall be remembered in history of mankind forever. Why?

From the position of planetary movements and astrological calculations... the significance of number three for present civilization is immense. The 12th year of 21st century totals number three.

Talking of 2012 means... we have already stepped into the 21st century which numerically totals three. The 12th year also totals to three. A significant upheaval on the whole shall be the order of the day.

Adharma (lawlessness) would be rooted out for ever. 2012 and beyond is the period of spiritual elevation. 2012 rings start of golden era. Beyond 2012 it shall be harmony and peace all over.

What does the bible say about 2012?

Nearly two millennia ago the disciples of Jesus of Nazareth asked Him a question that has intrigued people ever since: "What shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?" (Matthew 24:3, King James Version).

People in every generation since have wondered about this. Will the world literally end? If so, how? Why? And when? What does the Bible really say about this crucial and disturbing question?

Religious people aren't the only ones asking these questions. In recent decades people from many walks of life have expressed concern about the possibility of the end of the world as we know it. Politicians, educators and scientists foresee the potential destruction of our world from a number of causes-including nuclear warfare, environmental disaster, planetary pollution, overpopulation, killer diseases and collision with a comet or asteroid.

Potential devastation from the sky

Although some of these possibilities are unlikely, others present a real threat. Based on the increasing number of gigantic impact craters discovered in recent years, scientists believe that a collision between earth and a killer asteroid is inevitable.

Join us in the 2012 Official Countdown!

What would be the result of such a violent encounter? "An asteroid only a kilometer across would create cosmic havoc by impacting on the earth," writes Michio Kaku, professor of theoretical physics at City College of New York. ". . . The shock wave would flatten much of the United States. If it hit the oceans, the tidal wave it created could be a mile high, enough to flood most coastal cities on earth" (Visions: How Science Will Revolutionize the 21st Century, 1997, p. 317).

There is even a movie which will tell the 2012 story just to make money. I am sure the movie will be nice, but will lead thousands of people thinking the world will end. Where can you find the 2012 movie trailer? you need to read this first

To make a long story short.. everybody is lying to us. The real story can be found here

All information and conspiracy theories will be analyzed so you know what to do when the time is there.

Be wise and join us in the 2012 Official Countdown!

click here

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